Prix Lignum 2018
The Prix Lignum 2018 is given for a innovative, high-quality and futher use of wood in buildings, in interior design, in furniture and artistic work. The awarding fo the price aims to promote the use of wood in the construction section to a broad public.
In 2018, the trilingual Lignum Prix took place for the fourth time in Switzerland. Projects from all Switzerland were submitted and judged, awarded and exhibited. The award ceremony of the Eastern Region took place on 28th September in Bern. The company Lico was awarded for the project “Aufstockung, Gewerbe-Industriebau, Decke, Boden” (our production hall 2016). At the topping, planned by the Architectura La Chasa.
The woodwork was carried out by Foffa Conrad Holzbau AG from Valchava. The engineering firm Brem & Thanei AG from Scuol was also involved in this project